Friday, January 30, 2009
Random tune

Some dreams are meant to be reality

Yet some realities are meant to be dreams


Justin A.Faith on 1/30/2009 03:43:00 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009
127th Movement

My saxophone playing is improving bit by bit, and I'm having another one-on-one session with Master Chia this coming Tuesday...

Now it's time to rethink about what I really want in life, last year I had thought of doing freelance scriptwriting and selling my works to different companies, get enough cash and eventually cough up a good movie or two in a span of ten years.

But now, I really want a family, and that family isn't going to be able to survive if I do not have a basic job that keeps a stable income. Whatever I want just contradicts with whatever I need.

And then, to add on to my troubles, there's FYP and the occasional "stab-in-the-face" and other stuff that pull you down. I'm working on them one by one and slowly but surely I'm getting across them. Nothing in life is impossible, especially when you have two lovely god-daughters as your source of motivation.

Sometimes I look up into the sky, and hope for a chance to do something worthwhile, because from what I see here in my life, nothing is making my life more meaningful, not even Church. Perhaps it's my fault for not being able enough to undertake certain things, or it could be that God has chosen me to play the backstage all my life, if that is so, I won't give a complaint or two.

Alright, enough of my ranting, hopefully these few days would prove happier for me.

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Justin A.Faith on 1/29/2009 10:29:00 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Random tune

Words I can form with

1) Ran
2) Sang
3) Gig
4) Sag
5) List
6) Tin
7) At
8) Sat
9) Gist
10) Ant
11) Trail
12) Gain
13) Grain
14) Sling
15) Rant
16) Sing (slow me)
17) Nag
18) Sit (slow me again)
19) Gin
20) String


Justin A.Faith on 1/28/2009 09:36:00 AM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
126th Movement

Sorry guys, haven't been updating for a while, so I guess I'll just list down what's going to happen to this blog in the weeks to come:

1) There will be no Laugh Out Loud this week because of CNY, the next Laugh Out Loud will be on Tuesday, February 2nd or Wednesday, February 3rd.

2) There will either be few videos or no videos at all for the next 10 weeks, due to the inefficiency of my house internet.

3) Be expected to recieve a lot of FYP updates on this blog.

Argh, even so, CNY has been a small bang, with the collection of Hong Baos and all...Today I'm supposed to head over to the Paul's Residence for a lunch celebration, but because of my distant relationship and inability to connect with any of them. No use trying, but I'd still work with them though.

I'll sign off here, since school is over, there's nothing to do but wait.


Justin A.Faith on 1/27/2009 10:46:00 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Random tune


Watch at your own risk. Justin is not responsible for any of the language spoken in this video and it is only uploaded for the sake of entertainment. Justin is not liable for any loss of items, injuries or bad influence. All credits go to South Park, good or bad, positive or negative, left or right. People under the age of 16 should close this window before the video is buffered, this blog has enabled a tracking bug which will automatically track those under the age of 16 who watch this, action will be taken.

Enjoy =]


Justin A.Faith on 1/22/2009 07:53:00 AM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Random tune

The hardest and the final lesson we all have to learn...
Is the lesson of Farewell


Justin A.Faith on 1/21/2009 09:53:00 PM

Short Stories

He sat next to her, watching a movie on a laptop. He always downloaded movies illegally, but never got caught, and that was how he liked it everytime.
Next to him, Amanda slept, with nothing apart from her clothes to keep her warm. the pink shawl was no help against the air-conditioning of the room. James had no idea why he had agreed to follow her to the empty gallery. Of course, it being in school, it was always open and available for student use, but not many people used it anyway.
James looked at Amanda, he definately had no idea why he skipped school just for this, and it wasn't because of the free movies he had to watch. It had to be something more, something that probably was proportionate to the meaning of life itself.
By this time, James had completely ignored the movie, and was thinking to himself. In just three days, he had built a friendship with Amanda, and had shared with her more than he shared with his best friends. Three days, and it was enough to make him feel comfortable around her.
Amanda was silent, she didn't snore, and looked sweet under the dim light. James took out his earpieces, and knelt next to her.
There was something about this girl that made him feel different, and even though he had a girlfriend, she wasn't able to make him feel this way.
James bent over to her face, and with hesitation at every second, touched her lips with his.


Justin A.Faith on 1/21/2009 04:04:00 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
125th Movement

Okay, here goes:

I'll just get straight to the point...I'm not going to beat around the bush first and say that I'M SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE WHO KEEP SAYING THAT LIFE IS FRAGILE.

There, I've said it.

I mean, how many times must we hear that? In the other people's television serials and even books! Sometimes we may even hear it from our own parents again and again like a drill sergeant waking his platoon for Morning PT.

Whenever I read other people's works, and they go "this morning my aunt Lucy died, she just went like that. I realised how fragile life is and how God can just take it away just like that", I say to myself "you are a very slow learner, you know that? I learnt that when I was six" and I bet some people learnt it when they were younger.

Sure, life IS fragile, there is no falsehood in that. But the fact that people keep repeating it over and over again makes life even more mundane, and makes me want to show them how fragile their life can be. So to everyone out there who's reading this, please please PLEASE stop saying things like these and think that you are arty farty and such. If you want to be dramatic, try Mediacorp.


Justin A.Faith on 1/20/2009 07:44:00 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009
Laugh out LOUD

Video of the week:

Old joke...

Text jokes:

1) A hypnotist bets with a shark-feeder who just got out of a tank with a shark, "I bet $50 that I can hypnotise that shark." The shark feeder shrugged, "I'll bet you $100 you can't." So the hypnotist put on his diving gear, went in and started his hypnotism. A while later, the shark attacked him, and the medics got him out to safety. The shark-feeder asked, "what happened?" The hypnotist replied, "well, you owe me $100 now 'cause the shark thinks its an alligator."

2) There're three facts in life. One: you can roll your tongue all the way to your throat. Two: some idiots are going to try Fact One. Three: Fact One is false.

3) A Japanese asked an American, "why did you guys win WW2?" The American said, "we prayed to God, and He gave us victory." The Japanese asked, "but we prayed to God as well, why didn't we win?" The American laughed, "what makes you think God understands Japanese?"

Text riddles (considered easy):

1) What is the longest word in the dictionary?

2) What do you call a man who listens to the radio everyday?

3) Which music artist melts in your mouth but not in your hand?


Justin A.Faith on 1/19/2009 02:42:00 PM

124th Movement


Justin A.Faith on 1/19/2009 10:16:00 AM

Sunday, January 18, 2009
123rd Movement

Yesterday, you showed me that we could not go back to the days when we overlooked each other's flaws, and did not care about the over-sensitive world.
Yesterday, you showed me how I might've treated you a long time ago.
Yesterday, you showed me how you really felt about me, though few things happened.
This paranoia could really be getting into me...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm really destined to be alone all my life...

Emo shit


Justin A.Faith on 1/18/2009 09:51:00 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009
Random tune


Justin A.Faith on 1/16/2009 04:09:00 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Random tune

Deaf Karaoke ---- "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia

A must-see for emo-ers and "nothing-to-do" people



Justin A.Faith on 1/15/2009 02:15:00 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
122nd Movement


So my recent "Random Tunes" have been all things sad, but it's the truth, isn't it?

Let me justify myself =P

When we've all reached what we have worked hard for, how is it we can find something else that is able to replace it? Love? How do we live for love alone? Humans are inclined in such a way that we need excitement in our lives, otherwise it will be nothing but a monotonus melody in the bars of life.

Our dreams are fragile, and most of our dreams always end off with a bang, a huge bang. In some cases it's a violent, negative impact. And whether or not our dreams do come true, who will remember them when our generation is long past?

And er...about the one before this, just ignore it unless reading between the lines is your hobby (which I don't think most people will do).

It's just how life is, isn't it?


Justin A.Faith on 1/14/2009 09:40:00 PM

Random tune

All this is too much for me to handle
Someone get me out of here..

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Justin A.Faith on 1/14/2009 04:25:00 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Random tune

This is how and where all dreams end

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Justin A.Faith on 1/13/2009 08:15:00 AM

Monday, January 12, 2009
Random tune

When you're at the top, when you're finally champion...
When what you've ever worked hard for has been achieved...
What is there left to do?
What is there left to achieve?

What is there left to live for?

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Justin A.Faith on 1/12/2009 03:03:00 PM

Random tune

And if you do not want to see me again...

I would understand...


Justin A.Faith on 1/12/2009 10:12:00 AM

Sunday, January 11, 2009
121st Movement

121st Movement...loooooong way ever since this has become more positive as well!

But of course, a more positive blog doesn't mean a more positive life! Notice the "in-between" the lines and you may see something you may not like...but who cares?

Anyway...I'm no longer writing for Passion's been passed on to Jared. Why? 'Cause apparently I'm supposed to act as CHRIST himself!!! Like OUCH!!! I'm not meaning that it's humiliating or whatsoever to be Christ, but the thing is, I'm the one with the least experience of drama in there and I'm given the biggest role of all! It's like playing "Chaos" mode with a level one character!

And the reason? "To play Jesus, one must have a lot of faith in order to bring that character out well, and in this group Justin surpasses us all in faith" (loosely translated) quoted from Beverley! So it means now apart from meditating more, I have to work out so get the body of an Israelite man (if you researched, they walked alot, so they must have been quite fit).

Right, so if you see me in scars or in the hospital, you'll know what I've been up to =P


Justin A.Faith on 1/11/2009 04:33:00 PM

Friday, January 09, 2009
Laugh out LOUD

Picture of the week: (Deviant =Nocturnal-Devil)

Text jokes:
1) One day, a man walks into a bar. Ouch.
2) Two lawyers bring their lunch boxes to the bar, the bartender quickly said, "you can't bring your own food in here." The two lawyers looked at each other and switched lunch boxes.
3) A man walks into an empty bar, "hey bartender, I bet $5 I can shoot beer from my mouth into the bottle over there." The bartender, sensing easy money, gave him the chance. Obviously, the man lost $5. The man persisted and gave it another try, this time placing the bottle at another location. Everytime he tried, he lost, altogether he lost about $100 worth. The bartender thought for a while, "okay, boy. Seeing that I take pity on you, you can have $50 back." But the man said, "oh don't bother, I just bet with everyone outside $50 each that I can spit beer all over your bar."
4) Do you know that 4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions?
Text Riddles:
1) A man was going to Jamaica, on the way he met a man with 7 wives. Each wife has 7 children, each children has 7 cats, each cat has 7 kittens, each kitten has 7 maids. How many people were travelling to Jamaica?
2) Normally, if you put a book on the floor, you can jump over it. Where is a place where you can put a book on the floor and not being able to jump over it?
3) Michael studied all night, his mathematics skills became immortalized, but he failed the test the next day, why?


Justin A.Faith on 1/09/2009 01:07:00 PM

120th Movement

My band, Common Factor has a new name now...tentatively until Master accepts far it's BREATHE...

These are the events that are making me jumpy this month:

1) Internal Gig (16th)
2) Girlfriend's Birthday (not saying)
3) Anniversary (not saying)
4) Monthly Skit (1st February)

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Justin A.Faith on 1/09/2009 07:49:00 AM

Thursday, January 08, 2009
119th Movement

It's surprising...there comes a point in time where no one will listen to your ramblings ever ever again.


Justin A.Faith on 1/08/2009 09:16:00 PM

Random tune


Justin A.Faith on 1/08/2009 11:49:00 AM

118th Movement

Writing a story is never easy, especially when you don't have much support from people. There's so much pressure on writers now that even young writers go forward to write such abstract stuff such as "Sin and a Succubus" (an RP student wrote it). Whatever happened to the simple world?

Sure, some of you will say that I'm so backward now, when everyone has an Ipod Touch, I'm carrying an MP3. But some old ways are the best ways, sure, I love myths and stuff, but now it's getting more and more abstract.

Getting into the character is worse now as well, people write impossible stories of angels and how do you become an angel to act as? Like anyone of us has been an angel or demon before...

Okay, maybe it's not their fault, perhaps it's just the stress of society...


Justin A.Faith on 1/08/2009 07:50:00 AM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009
117th Movement

I'm in charge of writing the Passion Play 2009 and also incharge of directing it, I'll make sure this time I'll drag Joel down with me =P

But first order of business is to submit the proposal, and that alone is even more taxing than writing a script for a feature film when you're in TOG. After that is getting the actors, actresses crew etc, which is as difficult. The last difficulty would be working with people whom you don't know, but that is the way the world goes.

Interestingly enough, TOG is going to have outings every month, drama training every month and monthly skits every month until June.


Justin A.Faith on 1/06/2009 11:17:00 AM

Monday, January 05, 2009


Justin A.Faith on 1/05/2009 10:35:00 PM

Nightwish Music

Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful

"Bye Bye Beautiful" is written by Tuomas Holopainen about the band's former vocalist, Tarja Turunen, who was dismissed from the band with an open letter in 2005, and his feelings before and after the time she changed her attitude towards the band and its music. This was at first rumoured among fans and later revealed by Holopainen in an interview. The chorus also contains the lyrics “Did you ever read what I wrote you?/Did you ever listen to what we played?” in which the first part is a reference to the lyrics written by Holopainen, and the second part is about her lack of dedication to the music.


Open letter to Tarja Turunen:

Tarja Turunen's reply (open letter):


Justin A.Faith on 1/05/2009 12:42:00 PM

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Random tune

This book will keep you from sin
sin will keep you from this book


Justin A.Faith on 1/04/2009 05:55:00 PM

Friday, January 02, 2009
116th Movement

"An old man by a seashore
At the end of day
Gazes the horizon
With seawinds in his face
Tempest-tossed island
Seasons all the same
Anchorage unpainted
And a ship without a name"

2008 is a year come and gone...and now it really is a time for reflection and all that.
Of course, not that anyone would give a shit about that, but who cares?
2008 has been a screwed up year, because all the memories that I can remember are all useless, unforgettable horrible experiences. Perhaps it's just the mind that does all these, remembering only unhappy times...of course there are good times but the bad times are easier to think of.

Looking at the many aspects of my life, it seems that the only accomplishments are the ones that are halfway thought of and the ones that are done by others, not myself. Interestingly, all those ideas seemed to be great ideas, until I realised that I can never ever do it on my own, being the little insignificant man that I am.
"Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don't you see?
You chose the long road, but we'll be waiting"
I'm really hoping 2009 to be different, to be something positive. All these years it's always been more and more complaints, I hope they were reasonable complaints, if not then I'm the biggest jackass of the world. Honestly, I just want a peaceful year, I may not have what I want but it's something I'm used to having already.
Next: New Year Resolutions:
1) Be more committed to priorities
2) Try to form a symphonic metal band
3) Create the first feature film in RP
4) Still try to reach school by 7.30am even though class is at 10am
5) Be more committed to the arts and Monday night soccer
6) Learn more instruments
7) Use less vulgarities
8) Save more money
9) Go for confession at least once a week (trying...)
10) Try to go for weekday masses (I'll need someone to help me with this)
"You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give"


Justin A.Faith on 1/02/2009 10:49:00 AM

Thursday, January 01, 2009

(this blog's first post, btw)


Justin A.Faith on 1/01/2009 12:16:00 AM