Monday, July 07, 2008
17th Movement

Went to Wesley's blog and he definately doesn't like feel the same way, HAHA...

Going to leave early today, GOT VALID REASON OK! Rehearsal for Bible Sunday at 4.30pm, I wanted to leave at about 3 but seeing the circumstances, I'd rather leave at 12 now... o_0

I emailed Kevin just now, had a question about one of his books...if anyone of you can answer me please feel free and don't just cite from Wikipedia, I don't trust it well enough.

Here's the question:

Eschatology: What is it briefly? I know it means "Study of the Last Things" but of course, what are the topics in there?

Right, that's my question...I hope I get an answer from Kevin soon... =]


Justin A.Faith on 7/07/2008 09:09:00 AM