Thursday, July 03, 2008
14th Movement

What is art? This came to my mind after I saw the Understanding Test's questions today. It was on Art Criticism and Analysis and of course, it gave me a lot of thinking to do after I saw this picture:

Scary shit, isn't it? I was freaked out the first time I saw it...scary like hell...
But it is, after all, a good piece of work, how it captures emotions and all that, but gruesome and yes, those are bones on the floor, I think.
What kind of art is this? This is DISGUSTING!!! But it after all, gives a message, depending on what you perceive of it.
This is what the artist commented about it:
“A long time ago I made a piece called ‘Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful’. At that time, I thought that art should be disturbing rather than beautiful. But at my age now, I have started thinking that beauty is not so bad. My life is full of contradictions. Many come from my childhood. I was born in Yugoslavia. My father and mother are divorced. As an adult, I recently wanted to go back to help them because of the war. So I called my father to ask him what he needs, and he dictates a long list – antibiotics, bandages, penicillin, toilet paper, coffee, sugar, powdered milk, all these basic things for survival. Then I call my mother and ask what she needs. She says, “I need Chanel lipstick, Absolute Red, Number 345, and hair spray.” I am between these two. It took me a long time to come to terms with this because I've always tried to put a face in front of the public that is very tough, very male, a going-forward-no-matter-what performance attitude…I decided that now I need glamour. I need something to love. I need to see all these other parts of me which I had absolutely never allowed to exist. I had been ashamed of this part of me and let them go.”

- “Deeper and deeper: interview with Marina Abramovic”; Art Journal, Summer, 1999 by Janet A. Kaplan
And other than that, LOVELY DAY!!!


Justin A.Faith on 7/03/2008 07:48:00 PM