Monday, October 06, 2008
FYP Adventures

"Great Escape"

For the scene where Sarah runs away from home

Second time I'm uploading this video:

"What Sarah Said"

For the scene where the friend is singing about his dead sister, also named Sarah

I've come up with some characters for my musical, and it's very very hard for me to think of all of them because I've never been through this before. Like what my mother said, it would be easier to do something lively and happy, since that's how I am, but what's the whole point of being happy in this demented world of ours? Fix the problem first, then we can be happy...

Anyway, here are the characters so far:

Sarah, 18

Sarah is going through a rough patch in her life, her parents are going through a major argument and her boyfriend that she loves very much turns out to be a jerk. confused, she runs away from home to find some refuge from her twisted life.

(Un-named Friend, for convenience's sake, David for now) Soul Friend, 22

David is like any other 22 year-old, it's just that he doesn't have a job, and knows he has a short time to live, the illness was passed on from his parents and it took away his sister 3 years ago. All he wants to do is to do as much as he can before his time runs out.

And then obviously there are the PARENTS and FRIENDS (Ensemble)

If there is anyone who wants to be a part of this, please be able to commit the whole of next year, I cannot work with people who wants to leave halfway or works with a half-hearted er...heart.

If you want to be a part of it, please leave your name and contact (if you're someone I know, don't bother leaving contact) under the COMMENTS section of this post. Thanks!!!


Justin A.Faith on 10/06/2008 07:47:00 AM