Thursday, October 02, 2008
79th Movement

This is a painting done by renown painter Piet Mondrian, the artist whom almost everyone regards as a painter who paints without feelings.

True, I can't get any feeling through this painting, who can? o__0

But what struck me were the colours that were around it...the red and the yellow are all stuck in their own squares, big and huge.

But look at the blue and the small strip of red at the side, so small yet it has bridged many lines (the red strip continues on to another painting)!

That's how life is going to be, the small will do great things but the great and huge cannot do anymore but stay and wait in their own little squares (LOSERS). The red and the yellow squares are so...caught up with themselves that they don't move out, they don't shrink (humble) themselves so that they can help other people or expand their might. Because of other people's pressure and problems, they become stuck.

But the smallest person, the little blue strip can, with his tiny ego and little acts of kindness, bridge many lines (human problems) across and fnally will make everything perfect again. =]

Right, I'm a psycho.


Justin A.Faith on 10/02/2008 03:30:00 PM