Tuesday, September 16, 2008
66th Movement

Order 66 is the massacre of the Jedis in Star Wars Episode III, but no worries, doesn't mean this is the 66th Movement means I'll order some massacre of things like that. On the contrary, 66 means nothing to me.

If you guys don't know already, 6 is the number of man, don't ask me why.

I tried doing acts of random kindness at a time, like what Morgan Freeman said, but I realised if I do that, I'll take a whole lot of time to change the world, let alone Singapore. I don't think anyone can change Singapore, I mean, with all the money-hogging people out there, it's just so what the hell.

Like, today in the newspapers they were talking about the increase in sexual behaviours and more secondary girls are engaging in sex with mature men (who, as quoted by the TODAY paper, may have multiple sex partners). And what does the government do about it? Read on and you'll probably have a guess already.

They ask NUS to conduct a survey to see if there is a link with their sexual behaviour and educational level. WTF? How does educational level play a part in this? I mean, we all knew how sex is done by the time we reach secondary 2 and we all make jokes about it. And what does the school do? Bore us more with sex talks that we've heard a billion times over. If I were NUS, I'd say educational level has got nothing to do with their sexual behaviour but rather their own curiousity for the pleasure of sex and the pressure being applied on the females by the males to have sex (because after all, men don't stand to lose anything).

I wouldn't say Singapore is getting like dirt or things like that, but there are times when they go too far ahead, or away... o__0

Moving right on, without Singapore's government being in mind...

I haven't seen Priscilla (E25D one, Joel Lye and Shazly, don't think about the other one) for some time. Haven't had the chance to contact her but I know she's still alive (at least that's something!), I hope she's doing well though, I know it isn't one of the greatest things to do right now, but it's better than just sitting around and playing games.

Thinking is one of the greatest things man can do, yet one of the most harmful things as well.

Like thinking about death, why is man so afraid of death? We should embrace it, after all, death is another of God's creation. I wouldn't say death is a punishment inflicted by God, but I see death as a gift, to get out of this crazy world and into the next world. Isn't that a good thing?

Of course, depending on which world you're going to.

I have to restart my computer now, just installed new iTunes software. I'll blog later...ciao.

And here's a poster to keep a tagboard regular hyped up.

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Justin A.Faith on 9/16/2008 07:45:00 AM