Thursday, September 11, 2008
61st Movement

Ever wanted to be someone powerful? Someone who doesn't need to take orders from others, or be someone else's lap dog. Or even listen to other people's opinion at all, someone who knows what is right to do and what is wrong to do.

I'm sure in every part of us there is a longing to be someone else, to be a person of valor, courage and of course, other qualities that we do not have or are trying to have.

Impossibly (if there is such a word), we can never be that person we want to be, even if he/she is fictional or existent. Because God made everyone special and different, we are all unique in our own ways.

One's level of determination is different from the another person's level of determination, while one person may have a quality that the other may not have.

Everyone is different, but not all are great in man's eyes.


Justin A.Faith on 9/11/2008 07:52:00 AM