Thursday, April 23, 2009
Laugh out LOUD

Video of the day: Creature Comforts (actual audio with fake faces, see if you can guess the candidates!)

Text jokes:

1) Atoms have mass? I didn't know they were Catholic

2) Three convicts escaped a prison, and desperate with nowhere to go, they hid in a barn while the policeman chased them. One hid in a covered barrel, the other in a sack and the last guy in a stack of hay. The policeman walked into the barn, and noticing the barrel, tapped it. The convict promptly replied "meow meow", the policeman walked off to the stack of hay. He poked at the hay, and the convict responded, "woof woof", the policemanwalked off to the sack. He hit the sack and the convict, noticing what the others had done, replied, "potatoes potatoes".

3) A blonde walks over to a store, points at a product and says, "I want to buy that TV." The salesman replied, "sorry, we don't sell to blondes." The blonde becomes angry and goes off to dye her hair red, returns, points and repeats, "I want to buy that TV." With that the salesman says again, "sorry, we don't sell to blondes." The blonde, frustrated, goes for a complete makeover, so strong that her mother doesn't even recognize her, returns, points and says, "I want to buy that TV!" The salesman, frustrated, "WE DON'T SELL TO BLONDES!" The blonde gets frustrated, "I've went through so much, yet you still can see through my disguise! What did I do wrong?" The salesman sighs, "because, if you really wanted to buy a TV you wouldn't be pointing to that microwave."


Justin A.Faith on 4/23/2009 09:54:00 AM