Monday, October 13, 2008
85th Movement

Sometimes it's exciting to see the trees bend back and forth, swaying to a rhythm designed in your mind. Trees are marvelous beings, they stand so sturdy and straight without needing any source of technology at all.

I think because of the environment they live in, it has made them tough, trained to withstand the wind and the rain, the storm and anything that tries to destroy it naturally.

I think that is how we humans have to act.

We have to face the troubles life throws at us because that is how life is, what is life without a single obstacle? We have to stand firm against the wind, the storm and make sure we are still standing upright and firm after that.

Then there is another story:

There was once a bunch of trees, so close together that their leaves were overlapping each other's. One day, a single tree decided to journey out, to venture forth away from its own community, so it eventually found its way out of the bunch and rooted itself far away.
It wasn't long before a storm came, and it was so strong that it uprooted the single tree in the field.
But the trees that were still in a bunch were hanging strong, losing only a few leaves in the process. They still stood firm and steady, and the fallen tree regretted in dismay.

Easy to pick out the moral: We cannot survive by ourselves in this world, we need the help of other people. We need community, friends, family, anyone whom we can trust and rely on. With them, any storm that comes by will be long forgotten.


Justin A.Faith on 10/13/2008 06:06:00 PM