Tuesday, September 23, 2008
72nd Movement

I walked back home after taking the bus, I bumped into my neighbour, an old man actually...and he gave me lots of insights.

Imagine this, whenever you take a step forward, a line follows your step. For every step you take, the line follows you (horizontally, across your toes). Which means, if you do not move, the line stays.

Now, compare the line to the word "boundary". Seem familiar now? What I'm trying to say is that boundaries and restrictions are set by US and not by anyone else. It is just the way of thinking of other people that makes us set our own boundary.

But the boundary is just a line, it's just a stupid moving line that moves along with your imagination. Truth is, there is NO boundary in the first place. There must be no such thing at all.

Boundaries...restrictions...SCREW THEM ALL


Justin A.Faith on 9/23/2008 07:53:00 AM