Monday, August 11, 2008
39th Movement

Class today was a little more exciting...we did a huge play from an excerpt from "Mad Forest". I don't dare say we did well, but neither would I say we did badly, some were interested, some were unenthusiastic. Either way, we got the job done.

I appeared for one scene with a loooong monologue and then it was over for me. I just sat with the audience after my own scene since I had nothing else to do.

Tomorrow is the LAST LAST day, I don't think I'd miss the class on an overall scale.

Must remind Serena and Joel about Wednesday's movie outing...

And anyway, I found a really cool story that I feel I should share with you guys. It's from the "Sayings of Zhuang Zi" based on the Great Tao. But what I think is that as Catholics, we should try to replace this Great Tao with God and see what happens. =]

The story:

"Knowledge" once travelled to the North and met "Do Nothing Say Nothing".

Knowledge: How to think in order to understand the Great Tao? How to act in order to be content with the Great Tao? What kind of wisdom helps me achieve the Great Tao?

Do Nothing Say Nothing: Do nothing! Say nothing!

Failing to get an answer, "Knowledge" came to the south of the white River, where he met "Scatterbrain".

Knowledge: How to think in order to understand the Great Tao? How to act in order to be content with the Great Tao? What kind of wisdom helps me achieve the Great Tao?

Scatterbrain: I know I wanted to tell you, but then I forgot what I wanted to say...

Still unable to get an answer, "Knowledge" went and asked the Yellow Emperor.

Yellow Emperor: You can understand the Great Tao if you stop thinking intensely. You can be contented with the Great Tao if you stop acting intensely. You can acquire the Great Tao if you stop adhering to laws rigidly.

Knowledge: You and I know the Great Tao but not "Do Nothing Say Nothing" and "Scatterbrain".

Yellow Emperor: You are wrong! "Do Nothing Say Nothing" is in harmony with the Great Tao. "Scatterbrain" comes near it; wheareas you and I are too far away from it.

Nice? Nice? Go and reflect one corner now.


Justin A.Faith on 8/11/2008 10:09:00 PM