Thursday, July 24, 2008
Random tune
I haven't posted what Shazly wanted me to post, so here it is.1. What do you think of the world we're living in now?
~ Could be better
2. Who is more important to you? friends or gf?
~ GF
3. Who are the people you trust the most?
~ Jesus, God, that’s all, not even me
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
~ No
5. What do you think of YOURSELF?
~ I’m a piece of shit trying to become a fertiliser
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
~ I never look out for it
7. What is your goal for this year?
~ Master both the flute and alto
8. Do you believe in eternal love?
~ Maybe
9. What feeling do you love the most?
~ Exhilaration
10. What are the requirements of your the other half?
~ Like what I like
11. List the best moments in your life.
~ The last Band investiture
~ When my gf said yes
~ Baptism and Confirmation
~ Entrance into TOG
12. What do you hate most?
~ Me and class, they both rank the same
13. Between love and money?
~ Love vs money…of course love lar! You cannot serve God and Money at the same time!
14. What's the most attractive things about a person to you?
~ The way she smiles
15. Describe the person who tagged you using 5 words.
~ Skinny, mutt, good goalkeeper, Germany fanatic
16. Who can you not live without?
~ Hypocrites
17.If you have one wish now, what would you wish for?
~ I'd wish for God to answer every question I ask
18.How do you want to be remembered?
~ Short answer: For just being myself
.~ Long answer: See previous posts.
19. Your definition of LOVE
~ Love=God, Love is patient, kind, generous and forgiving
20. Do you believe in dreams come true?~ what kind of bullshit is that?
Instructions: Remove 1 ques from above and add in your personal ques. Make a total of 20 ques and tag 8 ppl. List them out at the end of your post. Notify them in your cbox! Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all the lucky 8. (:
Remove: 8. Do you believe in eternal love?
My question: Who do you want to live forever with you?
My 8 people:
WESLEY the bassist
IRIS (if she sees this)
SIEWKENG (if she sees this)
CAIYI the veggie
Labels: Random Tune