Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Day 162 Year 2008

Start entry \-

I sent my flute for servicing, never touched it for like, 3 years and I wanna use it again. I was busy with er...*ahem* another darling of mine...

I finally found the music score for Regina Spektor's The Call. It's a beautiful song and you guys should go download it, no guarantee it'll move you though.

Played soccer today, yah, I know, today's Tuesday. They booked it on a Tuesday for fun...so I thought since I had nothing to do, why not go and exercise? Heehee...

I'm going for camp this Friday...TOG camp...and another rehearsal on FATHER'S DAY...

Right, who am I to complain?

I watched Indiana Jones this afternoon and it was a little...far fetched for a treasure hunting movie...I'd rather not be a spoiler and say everything out...

There's another reheasal tomorrow...whoopee-doooo

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Justin A.Faith on 6/10/2008 10:52:00 PM