Thursday, July 19, 2007
Time: 1926 hrs - Venue: Home was enterprise, but I think we all got a little off track. And when I meant "we", I meant the whole class (yes, it's THAT bad!). Sometimes we don't even know that we were supposed to do it that way or this way :'(

Haven't been blogging for a few days 'coz I have the Transformers official movie game and I'm playing it like I'm gonna lose it the next day, hence my lagging in blogging.

And on the MRT back with Kelvin, Jun Shun, Jefferey, Jeff's Friend and Dino. Kelvin called me GEEK!!! WTF!!! I'm not a geek, and I'm not a guy with no life! At least, not yet anyway. =]

Looking back on all my days, it makes me wonder if I'm actually meant for these days...

Justin A.Faith on 7/19/2007 07:25:00 PM