Sunday, May 27, 2007
27th May 2007 - Time: 7:38pm - Venue: Home

Tiring day today...I went to play soccer just now...tried to play without shoes and then now my two big toes got blisters. Lol...
Went to eat lunch with my family and grandmum today...I always like to listen to her stories everytime. Today was about how she had come to Singapore...

It turned out that her parents came from Da Po, China (wonder where that is? Must ask Tony tomorrow), to Malaysia and settled down there. Then when the Japanese army came (the year was 1942, I think...) her family went to Singapore (the so-called infallible fortress then), probably thinking they would be safe there. Thats when she met my grandfather.
From what I remembered from a previous account she told me, her mother married her off to my grandfather because the Japanese were getting a little tight around their crotch area...(you guys know what I mean) So to protect my grandmother, my great-grandmother married her off.
She and Granddad set up a shop selling electrical appliances somewhere in Singapore. I can't remember where...I should ask her next time. They sold TVs, radios, fans, etc...but I guess they were all Japanese products, since the war wasn't over yet. She told me that she would drive to the shipyard every once a month (I think it's once a month, assumption) to get her goods for her shop.
When the war was over (my assumption, again) the government wanted to build something at where their shop was. So they compensated them with $20,000 and toe down everything there. No questions asked. I should ask her what they built there next time.
She also told me if she could walk, she would go visit her friends and her shop location. It would really bring back fond memories for her.

I hope I can help her with that, that is, if my dad allows me to. I would really like to help her relive the times of her youth. It would be the best gift for her a grandson can give.

And apart from that, today was a tiring day, 'nuff said.

Why can't I just be with her??? WHY???

Justin A.Faith on 5/27/2007 07:33:00 PM